Translation as Innovation - Bridging the Sciences and the Humanities
“Translation as Innovation - Bridging the Sciences and the Humanities” was the theme of the second biennial conference in 2012 coordinated through a partnership between the Center for Translation Studies at the University of Illinois and the Centre d’Études sur la Traduction at the University of Paris Denis-Diderot. The proceedings of that conference - Congrès bisannuel 2012 «Traduction et Innovation : une passerelle entre les sciences et les humanités» - collected here, examine the role of translation in the transmission of knowledge, particularly in the sciences, recognizing translation as a non-neutral activity and instead as an act that may enhance topic awareness or even generate debate.
Contribution of Janine Altounian : “Traduire ce qui n’a pu se dire”
This book is edited by Patricia Phillips-Batoma and Florence Zhang.
Patricia Phillips-Batoma received her PhD in French from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She teaches courses for the professional track of the MA in Translation and Interpreting, and has an affiliate appointment with the Department of French.
Florence Xiangyun Zhang is an associate professor at Université Paris Diderot, where she teaches Chinese and French-to-Chinese translation. She also translates French literature for Chinese publishers.